Varaa lomasi

Oletko valmis varaamaan seuraava lomasi?

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Pyöräily Dolomiiteilla

Kiinnostaisiko sinua maastopyöräretki Val Gardenan ja Alpe di Siusin alueilla?

Voimme räätälöidä juuri haluamasi pyöräilyretken toiveidesi mukaisesti. Hotellimme on sertifioitu pyöräilyhotelli, joka järjestää opastettuja pyöräretkiä.

Hotel Digon on ainoa neljä tähden hotelli Ortiseissa, Val Gardenassa, Dolomiittien sydämessä. Hotellimme kuuluu Etelä-Tirolin virallisiin pyöriä ja maastopyöriä vuokraavien hotellien joukkoon.

Perheemme on asunut koko elämämme ajan Val Gardenassa Dolomiittien ympäröimänä  ja tunnemme vuoriston täydellisesti. 

Nuorempi kokkimme Daniel on intohimoinen pyöräilijä itsekin ja todistetusti osaava, pyöräilevä oppaamme, joka tuntee alueen kuin omat taskunsa. Vieraamme voivat nauttia ohjatuista pyöräretkistä hänen seurassaan. Lisäksi Daniel antaa mielellään tarvittavia vinkkejä ja tietoa parhaista reiteistä sekä pysähdyspaikoista, joista on apua loman suunnittelussa.

Urheilullinen loma vaatii aina erityisen ravitsevaa ruokaa, joten tarjoamme tuoreesti valmistettuja, kevyitä annoksia, jotka on valmistettu paikallisesti tuotetuista luomutuotteista. Suurin osa raaka-aineista tuleekin suoraan omalta maatilaltamme, jonka uskomme tarjoavan yhden hyvän syyn valita juuri Hotel Digon seuraavalle pyöräilyntäyteiselle lomallesi Etelä-Tirolissa.

Bikeguide Daniel

Daniel - the person to contact for your Bike Holiday in South Tyrol
Hi, I’m Daniel, your host and long-time, enthusiastic biker. I am very fortunate to be able to share my passion for biking with our guests. As a member of the Bike Guides South Tyrol association, I have tried out numerous tours (including a few crashes 😉 of course), which I would like to go on with you. Our decision to become a bike hotel was actually a logical consequence, as are keen to share our favourite sport with you. We (our bike guides and myself) will show you the most beautiful places in the valley and beyond, first and foremost the legendary Sellaronda, my favourite tour, which has been a household name for years in the winter and is now every biker's dream in summer, too. This tour is a real must and attracts bikers from all over the world. As a partner company of Liteville (one of the very few), I naturally ride a bike of this cult brand.
So hurry to the Bike Hotel Digon! We meet at the biker's table in the evening, several times a week. Yours, Daniel

Choose your tour

Enduro tour MTB tour E-Bike tour

Riding technique training

Why do we recommend taking part in an MTB technique course at the MTB School Ortisei?
In our weekly programme we have included 2 riding technique courses, one at the beginning of the week and one mid-week. As the terrain in the valley is very diverse and it is sometimes necessary to master "technical passages", such a course is always advisable. The biker gets a first feeling of what to expect and after the course the guide can recommend a suitable tour. This greatly increases the enjoyment factor for the biker, who can then look forward to a carefree biking holiday. In addition, the experienced and certified guides show you new skills that you will always be able to use. The courses are suitable for both beginners and advanced bikers. On request we can also organise a private guide including an individual programme.

Private Guiding

In addition to the extensive range of bike tours and the guided group tours, we can also take your biking experience to another level by organising one or more private guides on request.
In this case, the guide is completely at your disposal and puts together a tour according to your wishes and preferences. So you can bike the way you like and experience the area from a completely new perspective!
It goes without saying that the guides are highly trained and know all the trails inside out. In such a small, exclusive group, the guide is naturally able to cater to your individual biking needs.
A private guide can be booked for 1 to a maximum of 6 participants.
The price for a private guide is 280,00€ - 360,00€ per day (depending on the number of participants).

Certified Bike Hotel

Certified Bike Hotel with a qualified in-house bike guide.
Are you longing to explore the diverse bike routes of the Val Gardena/Alpe di Siusi bike region by mountain bike? We are the ideal people to contact for an unforgettable bike holiday. The Val Gardena/Dolomites region is a paradise for bikers, with its trails, nature and above all the mountains, the world-famous Dolomites. Biking in the valley is a unique experience and it is rare to find such a wide variety of biking possibilities in such a wonderful setting. Welcome to Val Gardena, welcome to Bike Hotel Digon!

As a member of "Mountain Bike Holidays" we are the no. 1 contact when it comes to biking holidays!
As a member of the selected and certified "Mountain Bike Holidays" establishments, we strive constantly to cater to the very diverse wishes of all our guests.
Through constant development, adhering to and embracing the bike philosophy, and by paying meticulous attention to the bike services of its member establishments, "Mountain Bike Holidays” has been Europe’s market leader since 2008. The annual inspection and certification by TÜV Austria guarantee a pure biking experience.

We are proud to be thoroughly checked by "Mountain Bike Holidays" and to be certified in the highest possible category, "Pro".
In a bike hotel of the top category "Pro", the guest has the following key advantages:
At least 2 guided bike activities on 7 days per week, with qualified, professional guides.
Several guided tours per week in a neighbouring region (Alta Badia and Fassa Valley).
The tour starts and ends in the neighbouring area. Meeting point is in the Digon - hotel lobby, followed by transfer with the bike shuttle to the respective region.
Bike technique training twice a week (free of charge)
Plus, a tour on the day of departure (half-day or full-day tour)

Tarjoamme pyöräilijöille seuraavia palveluita:
Opastetut pyöräretket kuusi kertaa viikossa ammattimaisten ja pätevien oppaiden seurassa
Pyöräretki kerran viikossa Sella Rondan ympäri osaavan oppaamme, Danielin, seurassa.
Tarvittavat ateriat, kuten aamupala ja illallinen, jotka koostuvat kevyistä, paikallisista annoksista 
Lukittu ja kaapillinen varasto pyörille
Pesulapalvelut (lisämaksusta)
Korkeapainepesurin käyttömahdollisuus
Tarvittaessa asiantuntevaa apua loman aikana
Esitteitä ja muuta materiaalia vastaanottotiskillä
Huipputason pyöränvuokrausta yhteistyökumppaniltamme - pyöräliikkeet
Pyörän korjauspalvelut yhteistyökumppanimme toimipisteessä - pyöräliikkeet
Pyöränkorjaus hotellilla ja tarvittavat erikoistyökalut 
Yksi energiapatukka per henkilö joka päivä
Ravitseva aamiaisbuffet
Viiden ruokalajin illallinen laajalla salaatti- ja alkuruokabuffetilla

Reitti tiivistettynä
Pituus: 1.800 m
Korkeus: 180 m merenpinnan yläpuolella
Noustaan hissillä ja polkua pitkin
Suositeltavat polkupyörät: Trialpyörä, maastopolkupyörä
Vaikeustaso: Helppo
Vaadittu ajotekniikka: *
Ajonautinto: ****
Maisemat: *****

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